My turkeys were purchased April 1st (no foolin') and they were probably hatched a day or two before that. I've had a well established group of hens and covey of quails for a while, but the turkeys have been an interesting learning experience. For the first week or two they looked and sounded like bigger funkier chicken chicks. I knew they were healthy because boy were they loud!
The turkeys have been a lot of fun. They are very different to care for than chickens or quails. The quail are very quiet and polite. They meekly shuffle around their coop and go about their private business. The egg laying chickens I have are kind of bossy and brash and they greedily wolf down any food I throw their way. I finished up a batch of Cornish X meat production chickens about the same time the turkeys left their brooder. The Cornish were extremely dumb and greedy and clumsy. The turkeys are kind of a mixture of all three groups. They are kind of private, but they are also pretty clumsy and not very intelligent. Luckily they are sweet in their own way. The main downside is they are very poor foragers. My chicken hens will compost any feed, scraps or clippings I give them, but the turkeys seem to be much pickier and really only eat grain. Two jive turkeys.